Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Not Sure If I Should

My exams session begins today. I've been studying whole night long and all I've remembered is the name of the subject. The exam is today at 2.30 PM. So I probably have some time to remember something. But I can't. My brain doesn't work that way.
I feel that I'm doing something wrong. I feel that it's not the right place for me to be in.
What I want now is totally different from what I have now. I don't want to study those subjects I study now. I'd rather visit an art school, do music and drama classes. What I do now seems too boring and grey. Couple of weeks before I was afraid that I could have lost my grant or could have been kicked out. Now I even want it so I can finally do what I always wanted.
I know it's a challange. I know I can make it. I'm not sure if I should.